Mass Effect 2 Gibbed Save Editor Change Romance

With the demo for Mass Effect 3 coming out on the 14th I would like to have some save games set up to play through the 3rd one.
However I only have one Renegade and one Paragon save. And the many different possibilities (the romance options alone!) make me feel like that's not gonna happen. Unfortunately I am not willing to play mass effect 1 ever again. (never again will I grind up to 60, fuck that noise).
So the question becomes, where can I find a good save generator for Mass Effect 2 in the same vein as the save gens for Dragon Age?

Mass Effect 1 Stuff: - Did not have a romance in Mass Effect 1 because I used Gibbed to edit the original save to reset Liara's values so I could romance Jack monogamously in Mass Effect 2. Ashley is alive, Kaidan is dead. Wrex is alive. Abandoned alien council, now human council. Anderson is on the Council. Hello everyone, hopefully this is the correct place to be posting this. I am attempting to skip playing the first game, because I already played it and don't have my save game data anywhere. I heard about Gibbed Save Editor and decided to give it a try. I filled out all the things I am supposed to f. Gibbed's save editor for mass effect 2! Easy to use and enjoy! This save editor can edit your character, resources paragon/renegade points name credits etc.! This save editor can also edit mass effect 1 events and add squad members and complete their. Open Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor and load any savegame with a face you want to 'store'. Click the 'Toolbox' tab click the 'Export' button. Move out of the savegame directory and make a new folder in the Save-root folder called 'Faces'. Getting this hair style was my first introduction to hacking Mass Effect with the Gibbed Save Editor. After following a simple tutorial, I had changed her hair. And because I liked the idea of my Shepard looking not quite 100% normal after the Lazarus Project, I gave her a pair of glowing white eyes to go with the trauma of being brought back.

Mass effect 2 save editor

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Mass Effect 2 Save Editor

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